Extended listening
Documentation as a creative tool
Participation and collaboration
Extended listening
Documentation as a creative tool
Participation and collaboration
C. Stirling, M. Meireles, R. Bernatek & G. Ouzounian. (2023). Stirling, C. Belonging and Exclusion in the Sonic City: Soundworlds of Difference, Displacement and Co-existence in Brixton. Multi-authored publication for proposal to Cambridge University Press May 2023.
C. Stirling, M. Meireles. (2023). Stirling, C. Constellations: Experiments in Multi-Media Urban Ethnography. TBC.
Alvim, D., Meireles, M. (eds.), (2023). Expansive Territories / Territórios Expansivos. ed. bilingue pt/eng, online. Caldas da Rainha, Portugal: OSSO and UNESCO Chair in Arts and Cultural Management, Cities and Creativity IPLeiria (co-publishing). ISBN 978-989-53715-8-7
Meireles, M. (2022). ‘Multiple Perceptions of the Everyday Unfolded: The Case Study of Sunnyside‘, Journal of Sonic Studies 22
Meireles, M., Ouzounian, G. (2021). Lockdown sonics: a conversation (G. Kafka, Ed.; 1st ed., pp. 22–27). Theatrum Mundi / &Beyond Collective.
Best, P., Meireles, M., Schroeder, F., Montgomery, L., Maddock, A., Davidson, G., Galway, K., Trainor, D., Campbell, A., & Van Daele, T. (2021). Freely Available Virtual Reality Experiences as Tools to Support Mental Health Therapy: A Systematic Scoping Review and Consensus Based Interdisciplinary Analysis. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science.
Schroeder, F., Meireles, M. (2019), How we’re designing musical instruments with the help of disabled musicians and VR. In: The Conversation, 15.01.2019.
Meireles, M. (2018). Extended Phonography: Experiencing place through sound, a multi-sensorial approach. Organised Sound, 23(1), 101-111.
Meireles, M. (2017) Extended Phonography: Expanding Field Recording Through a Multi-Sensorial Practice [Doctoral dissertation, Queen’s University Belfast]
Meireles, M., Alvim, D. (2017). Trigger Place – A Game of Sound and Architecture. Journal of Artistic Research, (14). (Best experienced using Chrome)
Meireles, M. (2014). Extended Phonography: The Intertwining of Soundscape and Landscape. In R. Castro, and M. Carvalhais (Ed.), Invisible Places / Sounding Cities. Sound Urbanism and Sense of Place (pp. 652–651).
2021-2024 (3 years)
Research Fellow (ERC Funded)
Sonorous Cities: Towards a Sonic Urbanism
University of Oxford
2020-2022 (2 years)
Expansive Territories independent research programme co-develeoped with Diogo Alvim
OSSO Associação Cultural
2019 (7 months)
Postdoctoral Researcher (MRC Proximity to Discovery funded)
Virtual reality and immersive technology to support health and social care professional training
Queen’s University Belfast
Sonic Arts Research Centre and the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work
2018-2019 (14 months)
Postdoctoral Researcher (AHRC funded)
Queen’s University Belfast
Sonic Arts Research Centre and the School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
2017 (10 months)
Postdoctoral Researcher (AHRC funded)
Understanding the role of sound and music in conflict transformation: the Mozambique Case Study
Queen’s University Belfast
Sonic Arts Research Centre and the School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics
PhD research in sound art
Extended Phonography: Expanding Field Recording Through a Multi-Sensorial Practice
SARC: Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Sound and Music, Queen’s University Belfast.