Composition | Sound art | Field recording


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Photo: Helen Messenger Photography

Matilde Meireles is a sound artist and researcher who works with field recordings to compose site-oriented projects.

Her work has a multi-sensorial, durational and multi-perspective critical approach to site. It investigates the potential of listening across spectrums and scales as a way to attune to various ecosystems and articulate plural experiences of the world. Some examples include, complex water ecologies, resonances in everyday objects, the relationship that various communities have with sound and the architecture of radio signals.

Matilde’s work is exploratory in nature and lies somewhere between field recording, improvisation and other sonic flows. It is regularly presented in the form of concerts, installations, album releases, community-based projects and academic publications.

Matilde’s extensive research experience is outlined on the Research page and a selection of her multiple artistic outputs on the Some Works page.